Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Seminar Coming Up!

Lloyd and I will both be attending a seminar by Brenda Aloff in New Joisey in a few weeks. It's on doggie body language, which should be interesting.

And they have good pizza in Joisey. And Philly is really close so a visit to Pat's or Geno's may be in order. Are you a Pat's or Geno's person? I've never been, but I know one uses provolone and the other uses Cheese Whiz. I can't wrap my mind around which one I would like better.

Franklin will be bunking with Crash for the weekend. Can't wait for exhausted doggie time when we get back!


Anonymous said...

Cheese Whiz! :-) It is a steak and cheese, filled with grease and fat - why add something as healthy as real cheese?

Anonymous said...

PS: Ask Rucki - he lived in Philly for a while and can tell you which is which.

Anonymous said...

Um, as the Philly native, I wouldn't eat one from either. Head over to Reading Terminal or on South Street, try Jim's. They are the best but are easy for tourist.

CharityF said...

Matt and I ate at one of them. Dont remember which but it had the fake cheese. Have to say that there wasnt anything good about the sandwich at all. Pretty bad. And they were one of the places who served Freedom Fries so it soured my experience.

Try the place anonymous suggests. Gotta be better.