Fantastic Puppy Class
We just started a new session of puppy classes. Not only is the class at 10:00 a.m. (as opposed to the usual ungodly 8:30 a.m.), but the dogs and humans are most excellent. Everyone listens, and no one gets freaked out when they make mistakes. And the dogs are all smarty pantses.
I also got to teach a makeup lesson, which I don't get to do too often. The people are doing clicker training with their dog, who is singularly squirmy and fun (the dog, not the people, although they could be fun, I don't know them that well).
Sounds cool - what's clicker training?
Clicker training is when you use a little plastic thingie to make a clicking sound the second the dog does the command you're asking it to do. It's highly effective because lots of times you can't get the food reward to the dog fast enough to reinforce the behavior...the dog eventually associates the click with the action he's being asked to perform. They use it for guide dogs a lot, because they require more complex sets of behaviros (like turning off a light switch, or opening a door)
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