Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hell Saturday

The second puppy class is the one where almost everyone pays the fee and buys equipment such as collars, leashes, etc (the first class is a meeting with owners only - no dogs). With 15 people in a class, it is CRAZY getting all the paperwork done, making sure everyone has paid, what they paid for, who they are...on and on.

Hell Saturday for the current session was two weeks ago. One dog owner arrived early and I began their paperwork while Lloyd checked their collar fittings and leash. I happened to glance up to see if anyone else was arriving, and I see a parade of about 8 dogs and owners marching up the drive...right toward me! We were supposed to have extra admin help, but she didn't show up (probably forgot - class had been delayed by weather a couple of times). It was alllll me, taking checks, taking cash, handing out forms. It's been a while since I've done that kind of admin. It took about 30 minutes before I could come up for air.

I've talked with Lloyd about computerizing his forms. I think I'll pick up my Java Script and Java books and figure out how to do an online registration form, so students can have it filled out prior to class. Online payment would ROCK, but I think that's more pain that it's worth at this point.


Anonymous said...

Hi - sounds like a long day! (Glad to see I can leave comments here too).

Can't wait to see everyone again.


jj said...

Did I tell you? I love reading our blog!


Kristen S. said...

Thanks cath! I read yours lots too...you're a much better writer than I.